If you thought tick season was over, think again! Fall and winter are high-risk seasons for tick bites, the spread of tick-borne diseases, and tick infestations, especially in the Northeast. BLACKLEGGED (DEER) TICK – Scientific Name – Ixodes scapularis The tick’s ability to survive through inclement weather has been one of the keys to its […]
Category: Blog
Surviving Winter
The tick’s ability to survive through inclement weather has been one of the keys to its proliferation over the years. One mistake many people make, especially during the winter months, is thinking that ticks can’t survive freezing temperatures. As a result, on a warmer winter day, they let their guard down and put themselves at […]
The Tick Lifecycle
The more you can learn about ticks, the better equipped you will be to avoid encounters and potential illnesses associated with tick bites. Learning about the tick lifecycle, for example, will help you in identifying ticks and understanding your risk of infection. Tick lifecycles can last upwards of two to three years. They consist of […]
Treat Your Property for Ticks This Fall
When it comes to tick prevention, timing is crucial. Fall is often considered the most opportune time to treat your property in order to maximize its resistance to ticks for the year ahead. Infestation is due in part to the amount of cover and moisture fallen leaves provide to ticks. With a combination of the right […]
Our previous post provided information about diseases and pathogens spread by Blacklegged (Deer) Tick bites. In this post, we are focusing on those diseases which are commonly spread by American Dog ticks, largest of all ticks found in the Northeast. The adult female American Dog ticks have a white horseshoe characteristic while the males appear […]
Education about ticks and effective preventative measures is extremely important because a variety of ticks are capable of transmitting very serious illnesses. The following is a review of some of the most common diseases associated with bites from Blacklegged (deer) ticks. Your familiarity with associated symptoms is essential as it may assist with expediting necessary […]
There are a variety of tick species here in Pennsylvania. Learning about the different types – including what they look like, where they can be found and what times of year they are active – can assist in protecting you, your family and your pets from an encounter. Here, we will talk about the three […]
Tick Prevention
When it comes to disease-carrying ticks, the best offense is a good defense. With vigilant observation and protective measures in place, you can greatly reduce tick encounters at your home, on your person and on your pets. Tick Habitats Tick habitats span a large part of the United States, especially the northeast. They are often […]